Within your course repository, create a directory "final". Commit and push to your remote repository.

cd <path_to_repo>
mkdir final
touch final/app.py
touch final/screencast_url.txt
git add final
git commit -m "initial commit for final"
git push

For your final project, you may extend your previous LLM applications or create a new one that leverages what you've learned in this class.

Some examples include LLM applications for:


After completing your project, you will create a narrated screencast of no longer than 15 minutes that walks through what you have produced. To ensure you are the one completing the screencast, your screencast MUST initially include a video of you narrating the walkthrough. It is recommended for you to record your screencast as a recorded screen share on Zoom. Note that, when logged into Zoom, recordings are automatically captured and uploaded to PSU's Media Space and can be accessed after a short time by visiting "My Media" within Media Space.

Alternatively, you may also record your screencast using the software on Media Space (e.g. Kaltura Capture) or from tools such as QuickTime or Open Broadcaster. You will then upload your screencast via PSU's Media Space by visiting the site and clicking on "My Media".

After selecting and uploading the video, you will then bring the video up on Media Space, select the "Publish" tab, click on "Unlisted", and then "Save".

Finally, you will update the file final/screencast_url.txt in your repository to contain the URL that your unlisted screencast on MediaSpace is located. After doing so, commit and push it to your course repository. In addition, any source files you used as part of your project should also be included in the directory and will contribute to your grade.

We will be using your screencast and code in your git repository to evaluate your project. In your walkthrough, you should address the following in sequential order:

Video of yourself within screencast

Code checkout shown

Demonstration of the various capabilities of the application

Demonstration of the various limitations of the application

Source-code walkthrough and code quality (clean with no unused code or variables, readable, modular, documented with Docstrings and comments, no hard-coded keys within source code)

Walkthrough git commits on Gitlab to show incremental development process

Instructions followed properly including code submission in the specified repository files, sequencing and length of screencast.